Brännström, Lars og Vinnerljung, Bo | Forsman, Hilma | Almquist, Ylva B.

Denne artikkelen presenterer funn fra en svensk Longitudinell studie som har sett på hvordan det har gått med plasserte som barn som i dag er middelaldrende voksne. Studien bygger på materiale fra 14 tusen svensker født i 1953. Forskerne har undersøkt hvordan plasserte barn har klart seg senere i livet sammenlignet med andre grupper i samme alder og tatt utgangspunkt i blant annet på levekår, utdannelse og arbeidstilknytning...Abstract: International research has consistently reported that children placed in out-of-home care (OHC) have poor outcomes in young adulthood. Yet, little is known about their outcomes in midlife. Using prospective data from a cohort of more than 14,000 Swedes born in 1953, of which nearly 9% have been placed in OHC, this study examines whether there is developmental continuity or discontinuity of disadvantage reaching into middle age in OHC children, compared to same-aged peers. Outcome profiles, here conceptualized as combinations of adverse outcomes related to education, economic hardship, unemployment, and mental health problems, were assessed in 1992–2008 (ages 39–55). Results indicate that having had experience of OHC was associated with 2-fold elevated odds of ending up in the most disadvantaged outcome profile, controlling for observed confounding factors. These findings suggest that experience of OHC is a strong marker for disadvantaged outcomes also in midlife.

Utgitt i 2017.