Frøyland, Kjetil

As part of an initiative to strengthen efforts in the area of social policy, the Norwegian Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion requested an overall summary of relevant Norwegian and Nordic research literature on vulnerable young people, work and social exclusion and inclusion.The purpose of the literature review was to obtain insight into the situation of vulnerable young people in the Nordic countries, key characteristics of exclusion, and the effects and outcomes of initiatives and measures aimed at improving the inclusion of young people in work, school and society. The assignment was first and foremost to focus on inclusion rather than marginalisation. In other words, it was knowledge about the ‘way into’ work, school and society that was requested, rather than knowledge about the ‘way out’. The overall research question for the literature searches and the project was: What research-based knowledge is available in and for the Nordic countries about the inclusion of vulnerable young people in school, work or society?

174 s., utgitt av Arbeidsforskningsinstituttet, OsloMet - storbyuniversitetet i 2022.