For første gang samler en norsk regjering innsatsen mot hatefulle ytringer i en egen strategi. I strategien finnes viktige tiltak rettet mot politiets innsats, en økt innsats på forskning og flere møteplasser. I tillegg finnes tiltak for barn og unge, og tiltak i arbeidslivet og i mediesektoren. With this strategy, the Government intends to prevent and raise awareness about hate speech in public debate and in the public sphere. The strategy will also help to create awareness regarding the consequences of hate speech. We give priority to schools and education, employment, the legal system and the media sector. We want to create new forums for conversation. We want to gain more knowledge, initiate research and international cooperation. Norway’s international activities are discussed in an appendix to the strategy. Hate speech can restrict the ability of individuals to participate in public debate. Such speech can also have serious consequences on society because it creates distance and distrust between groups. There are a number of examples where hate speech has been used to oppress, persecute and discriminate against certain groups in society.

56 s., utgitt av Barne- og likestillingsdepartementet i 2017.