Fransson, Emma og Hjern, Anders | Bergström, Malin

Denne svenske studien har sett på bakgrunnen til at mange svenske barn har delt bosted etter skilsmisse og forskning på trivsel og psykisk helse hos barn som lever vekselvis like mye hos mor som far...Joint physical custody (JPC) refers to children living alternatively and about equally with both parents after a parental separation or divorce. The practice has been debated in relation to child well-being because of the frequent moves imposed on children and the potential stress from living in 2 homes. This study describes the background to the high frequency of Swedish children in JPC and the results from research on Swedish children’s well-being in this living arrangement. Children in JPC report better well-being and mental health than children who live mostly or only with 1 parent. No Swedish studies have found children’s health to be worse in JPC than in sole parental care from child age of 3 years and beyond. The existing literature cannot, however, inform us about the mechanisms behind the findings. The risks of selection effects into living arrangements are plausible. For this purpose, longitudinal studies are warranted.

11 s., utgitt av Routledge i 2018.