Leipoldt, Jonathan D. og Kayed, Nanna S. | Harder, Annemiek T. | Grietens, Hans | Rimehaug, Tormod

I forbindelse med et doktoravhandlingsprosjekt ved RKBU Midt-Norge er det utviklet et spørreskjema for å måle det sosiale klimaet i ungdomsinstitusjoner. Skjemaet er tilpasset og utviklet med utgangspunkt i Community Oriented Programs Environment Scale (COPES)...Abstract: Previous studies have shown that social climate in therapeutic residential youth care (TRC) is important to the welfare of residents, staff, and assessing treatment outcomes. The most influential theory on social climate in residential settings is the theory of Moos. The measurement of the concepts and aspects of this theory using the Community Oriented Programs Environment Scale (COPES) has repeatedly been criticized regarding usability, validity, and reliability, especially for TRC.

Utgitt i 2017.