Redd, Zakia og Moore, Kristin Anderson | Murphy, Kelly | Malm, Karin | Martha Beltz

Denne artikkelen presenterer en amerikansk implementeringsstudie basert på en omfattende evaluering av Trauma Systems Therapy (TST). Tiltaket er ment å øke kunnskapen om traumebevisst omsorg til fag- og omsorgspersoner rundt et forsterbarn. Denne studien ser på implementeringen av tiltaket og hvor effektivt det ble integrert i fosterhjemsarbeidet. Studien viser at implementeringsprosessen var krevende, men at når tiltaket først var integrert gav det både fosterforeldrene og fosterhjemsformidlere verktøy og kunnskap for kunne gi fosterbarna en bedre omsorg. Abstract: This article presents implementation study findings from a large-scale evaluation of an intervention model for children in foster care, aimed to improve care within the services system. This Bridging the Way Home Initiative, funded by the Anne E. Casey Foundation, and conducted under the auspices of KVC Kansas (KVC) in Kansas created processes by which a defined trauma-informed intervention model (Trauma Systems Therapy-TST) could inform the work of all those involved in the care of a foster child (i.e., clinical and non-clinical providers, and foster parents). This study focuses on how effectively TST was integrated into the full continuum of care at KVC, an organization that provides out-of-home care to children served by the Kansas Department for Children and Families in the Kansas City Metropolitan and East Kansas regions. The implementation study helps explain findings from a complementary outcomes study—covered in a separate article also submitted for review. We found the process of implementing and expanding TST demanding, iterative and complex, yet ultimately TST was implemented across levels. The majority of staff and foster parents completed training in TST, and fidelity measures showed progress in TST use over time. KVC's implementation of TST provided both the knowledge and the tools necessary for foster parents to better care for the children in their homes. KVC's efforts show it is possible to infuse trauma-informed care into a large child welfare organization across all levels of care.

11 s., utgitt av Child Trends i 2017.