Haugen, Marion og Eikvil, Line | Tvete, Ingunn Fride | Kvaal, Sigrid Ingeborg

This final report describes the results of the research conducted in the project «Development of improved methods or basis for medical age assessments of minors and young adults». The aim of the project has been to contribute to develop improved methods for measuring physical developments of a child or young adult and for assessing the chronological age based on such measurements, giving an improved basis for such assessments. The project has brought together various international experts, both from the medical and odontology fields. The project has been an international collaboration with a group of partners with experience from both practical age estimation and research, from both of the currently used radiographic methods in Norway (wrist and teeth) and new MRI approaches. Several disciplines have been incorporated in the project: odontology, pediatrics, radiography, statistical modeling and image analysis. Additional descriptions of methods and results from the statistical analyses and image analysis can be found in four additional notes. The project is funded by The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration.

62 s., utgitt av Norsk Regnesentral i 2016.