Bjørknes, Ragnhild og Larsena, Marit | Gwanzura-Ottemöller, Fungisai | Kjøbli, Johan

This study of ethnic minority mothers assessed the intervention effects of Parent Management Training — Oregon Model (PMTO) on maternal mental distress. Ninety-six mothers from Somalia and Pakistan and their 3-year-old to 9-year-old children were randomized with respect to enrollment in PMTO or await-list condition. Immigrants living in European countries report having significantly more mental distress than natives. Surprisingly, the results in this current study showed that there were low levels of mental distress at enrollment in PMTO among the sample. Ananalysis of covariance showed that PMTO was not effective in alleviating maternal mental distress in this sample. Ethnicity, family size and the child's age served as moderators on the relationship between enrollment in PMTO or the wait-list condition and maternal mental distress outcomes. None of the subgroup analyses were in favor of the intervention. The results emphasize the importance of research on parent training with immigrant families.

s. 10-17, utgitt av Elsevier i 2015.