Brown, Helen Cosis og Sebba, Judy | Luke, Nikki

Fostering by lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people has been a contested area of social work and foster care practice and remains so in some national contexts. In most parts of the world, lesbians and gay men, until relatively recently, have been subject to discriminatory legislation and their suitability to parent questioned. Across the globe, in places where homosexuality is legal, levels of acceptance vary considerably; greater acceptance being associated with higher levels of affluence and secularism. This review of the international research addresses the topic of the recruitment, assessment, support and supervision of LGBT foster carers. It was undertaken to consider the following questions: What is known about the effective recruitment, assessment, support and supervision of LGBT foster carers? What can fostering services do to improve the quality of the recruitment, assessment, support and supervision of LGBT foster carers?

24 s., utgitt av Oxford i 2015.