Havnen, Karen J. Skaale

In sum, the majority of the participants have had positive experiences with FGC. Even participants who initially were skeptical have evaluated FGC positively. The aspects most appreciated by the family members, and not least by the children, are the relationships and processes connected with the FGC involvement. Research findings indicate two factors that are crucial for FGC to function as intended: Firstly, all participants should be prepared for the special characteristics and procedures of the FGC model, including their own roles. Secondly, coordinators need to maintain their central role in a qualitatively good way. The most negative experiences were often related to the failure to implement the action plan developed by the FGC. Literature and research on the use of FGC in other services beyond child welfare services reveal that many of the issues and challenges are common. The review first and foremost reveals the need for further research, which applies to most aspects of FGC. However, the review also includes discussions about the aims and ambitions of using FGC in child welfare services and other services, whether some cases or areas should be prioritized or not, and issues related to model fidelity. To allow for a continuous evaluation of FGC practices, the review recommends including FGC in national child welfare statistics. It also recommends implementing the use of a short evaluation form that should be filled out by all participants after having attended FGC. Finally, the importance of sound research on new areas for FGC within the Norwegian child welfare services is emphasized. This applies in particular to the use of FGC in emergency cases and cases dealing with placements at government institutions.

100 s., utgitt av Regionalt kunnskapssenter for barn og unge, Uni Research Helse i 2014.