Lindstrøm, Maia og Jørgensen, Anne-Marie KLint | Rasmussen, Pernille Skovbo | Kowalski, Krystyna | Saidj, Madina | Filges, Trine

The main conclusion of the review is that there is a lack of firm evidence on the effect of FBT. There is a need for more research, and particularly a need for more methodologically rigorous studies in the field of treatment for young drug users. The aim of this systematic review is to explore what is known about the effectiveness of FBT for the purpose of reducing youth drug use, in order to contribute to an evidence-based approach in the treatment of young non-opioid drug users. The evidence found does not provide a basis for drawing conclusions about actual outcomes and impacts. Consequently, no substantive conclusion about the effectiveness can be made, resulting in neither support nor rejection of the present FBT treatment approach.

77 s., utgitt av The Campbell Collaboration i 2015.