Filges, Trine og Knudsen, Anne-Sofie Due | Svendsen, Majken Mosegaard | Kowalski, Krystyna | Benjaminsen, Lars | Jørgensen, Anne-Marie Klint

Based on the seven studies included in this review, there was no evidence that CBT interventions perform better or worse than the comparison interventions (ACRA, CBOP (+ACC), DHPE, FFT, IT, MDFT, and PET ) with respect to reduction in young people’s drug use. The evidence drawn from this systematic review is based on seven included studies analysed in two separate analyses, depending on whether the intervention was CBT with an add-on component such as motivational interviewing (four studies) or CBT without an add-on component (three studies). The seven studies are very different in terms of their findings regarding the effects of CBT interventions compared to other interventions (ACRA, CBOP (+ACC), DHPE, FFT, IT, MDFT, and PET ) on young people’s drug use. Therefore, the overall conclusion regarding the effect of CBT interventions compared to these other interventions on drug use reduction for young people aged 13 to 21 years should be interpreted with caution. The conclusions that can be drawn would be more convincing if more studies were available.

173 s., utgitt av The Campbell Collaboration i 2015.