Sherr, Lorraine og Skar, Ane-Marthe Solheim | Clucas, Claudine | Tetzchner, Stephen von | Hundeide, Karsten

A multicenter research initiative has been operationalized to provide evaluation and monitoring feedback to the Norwegian Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion about the Parental guidance programme/ICDP as implemented by the Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs. The current evaluation suggests that there are a consistent number of significant positive effects of the ICDP intervention for caregivers, parenting and children (independent of gender of the parent and ICDP version). The findings suggest positive effects on the following: positive discipline, parenting strategy and emotional engagement to the child, caregivers’ attitudes towards child rearing and perceived ability to manage their child, caregivers’ self-efficacy, caregivers’ anxiety, anger and concentration, household commotion, children’s overall distress and social impairment. There are variations in effects across the different targeted groups, and this supports the need for targeted adjustments

119 s., utgitt av International Child Development Programme i 2011.