Lurie, Jim

This report presents the results of an internet-based survey of leaders and staff members from 32 municipal child protection service agencies (CPS) and 7 child and adolescent psychiatric outpatient clinics (CAPP) in Mid-Norway. The study focused on access to CAPP services for children and young people who are also users of CPS services. It was found that leaders and staff members from these two services had often quite different perceptions of how good access to CAPP is for this group of children and young people. Leaders and staff members from CAPP were more critical of the quality of referrals from CPS to CAPP, and more often reported requests for additional information from CPS. Leaders and staff members from CPS were often more critical of CPS users’ access to CAPP than were their colleagues from CAPP. CPS employees were especially concerned about long waiting time for assessment of referrals, for starting necessary health services, and for receiving follow-up services after an initial consultation. CPS employees were also concerned about more difficult access to CAPP for children and young people living in an unstable family situations where the parents’ ability to provide adequate care and support for the child is under evaluation. Lack of patient motivation was another factor which CPS employees saw as a barrier to good access. Respondents from CPS and CAPP agreed about two types of access problems – difficult access to inpatient mental health services, and limited access outside of CAPP’s normal office hours. Respondents suggested several measures which can improve access to CAPP for CPS users. These include more resources to CAPP to reduce waiting times, better communication and coordination between CPS and CAPP, and more outreach from CAPP to families and first line agencies at the local level

61 s., utgitt av NTNU samfunnsforskning, Barnevernets utviklingssenter i Midt-Norge i 2011.