Legard, Sveinung

“Disability” in Norway politically follows the social model of disability, where “disability” is defined as a product of socially constructed barriers restricting individuals with impairments from participating equally in society. At an administrative level, however, the definitions of disability are often medically based or aimed at realizing certain compensatory measures for persons who cannot meet the requirements of, i.e., the schooling system. The varying definitions mean that students and their families have to meet varying definitional criteria from several administrative units in order to receive the services they are eligible for. Many report this as a tiresome business. Administrative definitions of disability are based on an assessment of individual needs. They are therefore means-tested, not rightsbased. This might lead students and their families to adopt strategies of convincing service providers by overemphasizing their disability instead of their capabilities. The definitions differ between the educational sector and the labor and welfare administration (NAV), which might make coordination difficult..OECD research project Pathways for disabled students to employment and tertiary education

178 s., utgitt av OECD i 2009.