Jonsson, Jan O. og Helve, Helena | Wichström, Lars

FAS appointed Thomas Öhlund to make an inventory of literature on youth research in Sweden, one purpose of which was to prepare a “reading list” for the evaluation group. For various reasons this inventory was delayed beyond the first deadline of November 1st, 2002; and due to unexpected difficulties of assembling the literature, the entire volume of publications identified as “youth research” was not distributed to the evaluation group until February 2003 (some journal articles that were not available on the net or at the Stockholm University Library were omitted). Thus, though the group has had reasonable time to prepare the evaluation, the reading stage has been very short, particularly given the rather large volume of literature. This has had as one consequence that we have not read everything on the reading list but have had to make some strategic choices of what to include. By and large, however (and further discussed below), we think we have covered most of the published items; and we have been able to classify almost everything according to subject area, academic discipline, method, and so on – while the scrutinized literature has not covered everything. We focus on published items while Öhlund’s inventory also covers working papers and reports. In practice our evaluation is primarily based on dissertations and journal articles

67 s., utgitt av Forskningsrådet för arbetsliv och socialvetenskap (FAS) i 2003.