Dyregrov, Atle

Children grieve in different ways. There are more similarities than dissimilarities between adults and childrens grief. The same loss and longings, the same “strange” thoughts and powerful emotions which are found in adults, can be experienced by children who have lost someone they love. However, childrens reactions depend to a great degree on the way we as adults are able to respond, and the foundation we give them for processing their feelings and reactions. By letting children take part in rituals for grief, by keeping communication channels open and truthful, and by talking with the child about what has happened, the best basis is laid for the child to process his feelings and reactions. This puts a heavy responsibility on the parents, who are grieving themselves. But this also makes the basis for a future close and secure sense of togetherness in the family. Programme for parental guidance.

46 s., utgitt av Pedagoisk Forum i 1998.